Online Petition: Stop the Secrecy: Save Our Freedom of Information

London: The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act is one of our most important laws. It’s helped journalists break major stories on secret political lobbying, plans for NHS reform – and much more. Without it, the MPs’ expenses scandal would never have come to light, and our taxes would still be paying for duck houses and moat cleaning. But now, just when we need it to scrutinise the COVID response, it’s being fatally undermined. The UK government is running a secretive unit inside Michael Gove’s Cabinet Office that’s been accused of ‘blacklisting’ journalists and blocking the release of ‘sensitive’ information. Experts say they’re breaking the law – and it’s an assault on our right to know what our government is doing. We’re not going to let it stand. We’re launching a legal battle – but we also need a huge public outcry, showing that thousands back our call for transparency. Will you add your name?
To: Michael Gove, Minister of State for the Cabinet Office – Come clean about the Clearing House – Stop profiling journalists and blocking ‘sensitive’ requests- Empower, fund and make the FOI regulator independent.
You Can Sign the Petition here:

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