World News
Black Man Paralysed After Being Tasered by Police Vows to Get Justice

A young black man from north London who has been left paralysed from the chest down after being shot by police with a Taser weapon as he jumped over a wall, has spoken out for the first time about his injuries and determination to hold officers to account. Jordan Walker-Brown, who turned 24 on Monday, said he had his back to police and was running away when he was shot with a stun gun on 4 May. He said he was running because he was carrying a small amount of cannabis.
Walker-Brown, who before the incident enjoyed playing football and was in good health and active, is now paraplegic. He believes he would not have been stopped had he not been black. He said: “I have been told that I will not be able to walk again because of what the police did to me. But I am determined to prove them wrong. Just as I am determined to prove the police are not above the law.”
Read more: Diane Taylor, Guardian,