Council plans to tackle fly tipping, knife crime and rogue landlords

Birmingham City Council today unveiled a package of bold new measures to make the city cleaner, safer and better.
The initiatives to be included in the council’s 2022/23 Financial Plan will address key issues including fly tipping, knife crime and rogue landlords.
Under the proposals, the council will:
Invest an additional £1.4 million in clearing the city’s streets and alleys, with more money invested in fly tipping response crews.
Invest £1 million in a joint initiative with West Midlands Police tackle knife crime
And £590,000 to crack down on rogue landlords operating in the Homes of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) and Supported Exempt Accommodation sectors.
Birmingham City Council leader Cllr Ian Ward said: “We’ve listened to the people of Birmingham and we understand and share their priorities. These measures will make a huge difference to many people in neighbourhoods and communities right across the city and we’re delighted to be working with partners to tackle the issues that matter to the people of Birmingham.
“The council’s books are in the healthiest position they’ve been in for 30 years and because we’ve managed public money sensibly, we are in a position to announce these initiatives that will lead to a cleaner, greener and safer Birmingham.
“This is an exciting time for our city as we prepare to host the Commonwealth Games, the biggest event that the city has ever hosted. We’re also attracting record levels of investment to deliver the homes, jobs and opportunities that people right across the city need and we’re determined to level-up life chances to ensure that the benefits of growth are felt by everyone.”
Councillors will discuss and vote on these proposals and the 2022/23 Financial Plan at the Full Council meeting on 22 February.