A message wishing residents a peaceful Ramadan

Birmingham: Cllr John Cotton, Cabinet Member for Social Justice, Community Safety and Equalities’ message to Birmingham’s Muslim community as they observe Ramadan.
In neighbourhoods across Birmingham, our Muslim friends and neighbours are observing Ramadan – a holy month of fasting and prayer in the run up to Eid-ul-Fitr.
It is a deeply sacred time, focused upon the importance of reflection, community and communal prayer.
Ours is a city of many faiths and we have always defended the right of Birmingham’s faith communities to worship without fear. That is why we were all so deeply shocked by the recent events in our city.
Our Community Safety team continues to work with police colleagues to reassure residents and worshippers across the city they are safe to go to their mosque and pray
My colleagues Cllr Sharon Thompson and Cllr Marcus Bernasconi and local MP Shabana Mahmood have all attended various community meetings in the North Edgbaston area to help provide advice and reassurance.
We’re advising and supporting the city’s network of mosques on security and working with the police, and faith leaders and other partners to provide the reassurance during this time.
We’ve also seen how our communities unite to support each other – from working with the police, to the love and support they have given to family and friends – the profound importance of community has been clear.
This is a value that underpins the Muslim faith and is shared across the many faith traditions and world views that have a home here in Birmingham.
To everyone marking this sacred month, I wish you, your families and friends a peaceful and healthy Ramadan. To you all, Ramadan Mubarak.
This post was published on 23 March 2023.