‘We Are EachOther’, Our New Strategy for 2021 and Beyond

London: We believe human rights matter, and there is more that unites than divides us. As 2021 approaches though, our rights are under sustained attack. Powerful politicians plan to dismantle them, Brexit is set to erode them and popular newspapers have undermined them for years. The Black Lives Matter movement has shown how far we still have to go to make real the right to protection from discrimination in this country. Meanwhile, as Covid-19 ravages the nation’s health, lockdowns curtail our rights and freedoms in ways that demand scrutiny.
Against that backdrop, EachOther’s story-telling puts the human into human rights. We tell news stories that inform and personal stories that inspire and, in doing so, we build public understanding and support for human rights. We hope that more people will then speak up for our rights when they are threatened, putting pressure on politicians to do the same. By creating the conditions for more people to stand up for their rights, we can defend our human rights architecture whilst cultivating a culture of human rights in the UK. This, in turn, can open up the possibility of the UK acting as a beacon for human rights on the global stage.
Our theory of change recognises there is a spectrum of public opinion towards human rights in the UK. Nonetheless, rights protect everyone, so we strive to reach into every section of society. Our film-making and independent journalism generate a wide range of multimedia content on our website and social media channels to engage a host of different audiences. We empower those whose rights are endangered to tell their own inspirational stories. By amplifying their voices, we can help people connect across perceived divides.
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