British MP Richard Burgon expresses concern over the death of Hurriyat Leader Ashraf Sehrai in Indian custody and calls for an impartial inquiry

London: Chairman Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement Altaf Ahmed Bhat and President Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK Fahim Kayani Commended the efforts of Ishtiaq Ahmed, President TeK UK Leeds Branch, Praised Richard Burgon MP for his concerns over the Condition of Political Prisoners and HR violations in IIOJ&K.
Both Young Kashmiri leaders: Altaf Ahmed Bhat & Raja Fahim Kayani who is working for the Kashmir cause Nationally and Internationally praised the efforts and dedication of Ishtiaq Ahmed, who wrote a letter to Richard Burgon MP drawing his attention towards the Political Prisoners after custodial killing of Ashraf Sehrai Chairman Tehreek-e- Hurriyat J&K and gross Human Rights Violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
While Member of Parliament for East Leeds Richards Burgon MP, who has always been a staunch supporter of Kashmir cause and have raised his voice against the occupation and human rights violations in IIOJ&K responded that ” I am a strong supporter of the campaign for Self Determination for Kashmir and I support an end to the occupation. On Feb 5th 2021 on International Kashmir Solidarity Day as your member of Parliament, I called on the UK Government to act on Kashmir, when I said: here in East Leeds there is a proud thriving Kashmiri Community, but every day they think of their family and friends living in Kashmir, they feel their pain and sadness, of the knowledge of ongoing human rights abuses by the Government of India, and they feel the sadness of the ongoing denial of the right of self-determination for Kashmiri people. The UK owes a special duty to the people of Kashmir to end this ongoing injustice.
Richard Burgon MP in his response letter further added that ” I am opposed to the Indian Governments use of Public Safety Act (PSA), which Amnesty International has described as “Repressive Legislation” to detain Kashmiri Politicians. The death of Kashmiri leaders in custody also raises questions about the Indian government’s detention of and treatment of
Kashmiri leaders during detention and must be fully investigated.
He further mentioned that Britain was the British Government that oversaw the partition of the Subcontinent as then Colonial Power, hence Britain has a particular obligation to the people of Kashmir.
While Writing and showing concerns of President Tek UK Leeds Branch Ishtiaq Ahmed, Richard Burgon MP wrote to Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Dominic Raab he mentioned that ” I am writing this on behalf of constituents who have contacted with grave concerns regarding the recent death of prominent Kashmiri political figure Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai in Indian Custody, and the wider and ongoing human rights abuses in Kashmir.
He further said that Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai was being held under India’s “Public Safety Act” which Amnesty International has described as “repressive” legislation, designed to detain Kashmiri politicians and activists. Mr Sehrai was detained under this law, which allows detention to up to one year without a trial, and he died while in custody on May 5th.
Richard Burgon MP further added in his letter to Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Dominic Raab that ” Can I ask what British Government is doing to pressure India to reveal the full circumstances behind Mr Sehrai’s death and in addition what pressure the British government is exerting on India to ensure that the Human Rights of the Kashmiri People are upheld.
Young Kashmiri Leaders Altaf Ahmed Bhat and Raja Fahim Kayani appreciated the response of Richard Burgon MP for taking this case and presenting it with dedication and becoming the voice of the voiceless and besieged people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir. They also demanded that International Community, Human Rights Organizations must play their part and put pressure on India to release all the political prisoners of Kashmir who are languishing in different jails of India.