Labour Party Leaders express deep concern over the human rights violations in Kashmir; urge India to end the siege

Brighton: High Commissioner briefs on the economic opportunities in Pakistan, humanitarian crisis in IoK at the Labour Party Conference
The High Commissioner, Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, said Pakistan is a land of millions of economic opportunities and the UK and Pakistan could both benefit through utilisation of available resources and expertise of the two countries. The High Commissioner was speaking at the Fringe Event organised by the Mission at the Labour Party Annual Conference at Brighton on 24 September 2019.
Given the deepening humanitarian crisis in Indian Occupied Kashmir, importance attached to humanitarian issues and Labour Party’s historically unequivocal support to the rightful cause of the Kashmiri people, the High Commission’s event attracted a large number of Labour MPs, MEPs, Party Members, Parliamentary Candidates as well as members of the civil society.
The High Commissioner said Pakistan-UK relations enjoy strong political goodwill, coupled with the presence of 1.5 million affluent and resourceful Pakistani Diaspora that serves as a solid foundation for mutually beneficial relations in diverse fields of society and economy. He said that the strong goodwill that exists at all levels between the two countries needs to be translated in equally strong economic ties.
Giving an overview of the investment and trade opportunities in Pakistan, the High Commissioner said the country is rapidly gaining investors’ attention as the security challenge has been successfully overcome and infrastructure has significantly improved. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan is leading the economic reforms to facilitate investors and to ensure ease of doing business. He shared with the audience a list of projects ready for investment and doing business. He particularly invited UK’s Fintech and IT companies to benefit from Pakistan’s trained human resource and exploit the potential to the mutual advantage.
Mr. Zakaria expressed deep concern over the humanitarian crisis resulting from continuous siege of millions of defenseless Kashmiris by the Indian forces which has created food and medicine shortages in the region causing extreme sufferings and deaths. He said human rights of the Kashmiri people were being violated for decades. These are crimes against humanity well documented by reputable international organisations like UNOHCHR, HRW, Amnesty International, International People’s Tribunal and others, the High Commissioner underscored.
Mr Zakaria invited attention of the audience towards mass graves in IoK and enforced disappearance and fake encounters related to it, deliberate mass blinding of youth with pellet guns, and rape of Kashmiri women as an instrument of war by Indian occupation forces. He hoped that the UK would play its due role in addressing the humanitarian crisis in Kashmir. He emphasized delivery of justice to the Kashmiri victims of Indian atrocities and holding the perpetrators accountable.
A number of MPs, MEPs and Labour Party Leaders spoke on the occasion. They condemned the human rights violations and the humanitarian crisis in Kashmir and urged India to restore the fundamental human rights of the Kashmiri people immediately by lifting the siege. They also reaffirmed their Party’s commitment with the oppressed Kashmiri people in their struggle for self-determination. The Parliamentarians emphasized on peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions.
Earlier, the High Commissioner had an interaction with Labour Party Leader Rt. Hon. Jeremy Corbyn MP at the Conference and briefly exchanged views on matters of mutual interest and concern. Mr. Zakaria thanked for his Party’s support to the Kashmiri people on humanitarian grounds. Mr. Corbyn welcomed the High Commissioner to the Conference.
The High Commissioner also separately met Parliamentarians and Councillors and exchanged views on issues of common interest, including the grave human rights situation in Kashmir.
The venue of the event was adorned with the colours of Pakistan, promoting tourism, trade, handicrafts and other sectors of economy.
A special section was dedicated to the photographs depicting the human rights abuses in Kashmir which was keenly visited by the delegates of the Conference.
The High Commissioner thanked all those who helped put together the event and participated in it.