Indian forces using Covid 19 against kashmiri’s

London: COVID-19 Kashmir Women’s Conference organised by Kashmir Women’s movement (KWM) and Organisation of Kashmir coalition (OKC) via OKC World Live Stream. The conference was Chaired by Mrs Shamim Shawl Chair of Kashmir Women’s Movement (KWM); Permanent Representative to the United Nations, IMWU, Executive Member of OKC and It was moderated by Barrister A. Majid Tramboo Permanent Representative to the United Nations, IHRAAM, Executive Member of OKC, Practising Lawyer on Human Rights and International Law.
The aim of the “Kashmir Women’s Conference” was to raise the voices of most vulnerable women of Kashmir, who are struggling under the siege of Indian armed forces, and the Indian government who want to hide their barbaric acts, atrocities and human rights violations in Kashmir. Even during this horrific period of Covid-19 pandemic.
The keynote speakers were Dr Shireen Mazari Federal Minister for Human Rights, Pakistan, Zamurud Habib Chairperson, Kashmir Tehreek-i-Khawateen, APHC Leader and author; Sarah Owen, Member of the British Parliament, MP Labour Party, Politician and Trade Unionist; Julie Ward, Former Member of the European Parliament and a British politician who served as member of the European Parliament for the North West England from 2014-2020. Professor Hamida Naeem University of Kashmir, Department of English, Barrister Margaret Owen (OBE) – Human Rights Lawyer and Founder of Widows For Peace through Democracy. Claire Bidwell Co-Founder of “Let Kashmir Decide” and Human Rights Activist, Anuradha Bhasin, Chief Editor of Kashmir Times, Cllr Zahira Naz Chair, Cross Party Kashmir Working Group in the Sheffield City Council, Soraya Boyd Founder & CEO of Facilitate Global, Maxine Bowler Vice President of Sheffield Trade Union Council. Beatrice Grace Alouch Obado Associate Professor IE University and IE Business School (Madrid), Cecilia Maho Lawyer and Human Rights Defender.
They expressed their views and stated that the focus of this international conference on women, is to highlight the violence against women in Kashmir. Women are the most vulnerable targeted section of society, their vulnerability has been noticeable in this highly militarised environment. They not only suffer from intense humiliation and harassment, but also undergo traumatic experiences with prolonged periods of depressions, and are developing long-term illnesses.The disturbing situation as it exists in the turmoiled part of Kashmir, has hit Kashmiri women the hardest. Sadly, thousands of women have become widows. They have additional obligations and responsibilities of looking after their children and running the household. These women face serious challenges related to health, economy, education, politics, domestic violence, declining sex ratio, female feticide and infanticide, as well as state violence.The purpose of this conference was to voice our concerns in these difficult times of the existing pandemic to highlight the suffering of women of Kashmir, who continue to be harassed and humiliated in cordon and search operations . All the fundamental rights in the state of suspension . I would leave it to the vision of my respected colleagues from AJK who can better articulate the suffering of journalists, the political prisoners, students and common people.