DFP urges global community to help address situation in IoK

Calls for complete shutdown tomorrow
Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) during a CEC meeting here on Tuesday urged the global community to help address the situation in Kashmir, which it said have assumed dangerous proportions after India had robbed Kashmiris of their national identity last year.
While expressing serious concerns over the simmering situation in the Indian held territory, the participants of the CEC meeting held under the chairmanship of acting Chairman Mehmood Ahmed Saghar took a strong exception to the rapidly deteriorating political and human rights situation and continuous onslaught against Kashmiris by the Indian state. Referring to the continued bloodbath of innocent Kashmiris the participants of the meeting said that on one hand the people in the Kashmir valley continued to reel under unrelenting lockdown and internet blockade while on the other innocent and unarmed civilians particularly the young and educated youth of Kashmir had become victim of the ruthless state terrorism unleashed by the India.
“Since 5th August Indian occupation forces in their acts state terrorism had martyred hundreds of Kashmiris whereas thousands of Kashmiris have been injured due to the use of brute force by Indian troops on peaceful demonstrators the territory”, they said adding that besides stripping the region of its decades’ long national identify India had introduced a series of new laws, which lay bare the intentions and real motives behind the Indian state’s 5th August move to abrogate article 370 and 35-A.
The Indian move the meeting observed was a part of India’s deep rooted conspiracy to convert the Muslim majority state into a minority. “The dangerous move was aimed at depriving Kashmiris of their resources, jobs, identity, cultural, land and above all the promised right of self-determination”, the meeting said adding that the illegal and unconstitutional move flagrantly violated the international law and the Geneva convention, which bar the occupying state from altering the status of a disputed territory unilaterally. Lauding Kashmiris’ undying spirit for freedom, the meeting said that the people of Kashmir have an enviable tradition of fighting against aggressors and frustrating their manufactured narratives to undermine the ongoing liberation struggle. The meeting further said that despite India’s policies of deceit and deception the reality was that Kashmir remains to be one of the hottest issues being discussed at every important regional and international forum all around the world.
Stressing the need for a peaceful settlement of the dispute the CEC meeting urged the Indian rulers to accept the ground reality and resume an inclusive dialogue between all the stakeholders to find out an amicable and lasting solution of the deadly dispute that have been the main cause and consequence of unrest in the region.
Reiterating its call for observing Youm e Istehsal on August 5 the CEC meeting appealed to the masses to observe a complete strike tomorrow to reaffirm their commitment to the collective cause for which Kashmiris have rendered matchless sacrifices over the years.