Iraq Parliament Legislating to Make Marriage legal at Nine Years

Early Day Motion 555: Proposed Amendment to Iraq’s Personal Status Law
That this House notes with deep concern the proposed amendment to the Personal Status Law currently being debated in the Iraqi Parliament that could lower the legal marriage age to nine; believes that passage of this amendment would be a backwards step for Iraqi women and girls; is alarmed at the speed of proceedings despite significant opposition; further notes that this amendment would violate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Iraq ratified in 1994; and urges the Government to make strong representations to its Iraqi counterparts against any legislative proposals that would weaken the rights of children and women in Iraq.
Sponsors: Swinson, Jo / Clwyd, Ann / Gaffney, Hugh / Law, Chris / Lamb, Norman / Farron, Tim
House of Commons, 20/11/2017,
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