No piece of legislation by India can change disputed status of IoK: DFP

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has expressed grave concerns over continued bloodshed in Kashmir and Indian machinations aimed at further degradation of the status of the disputed territory and its demographic complexion.
Commenting on reports of possible “political, administrative and demographic changes” in the occupied territory, the DFP spokesperson made it clear that no piece of legislation by the Indian parliament can change the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir. “Since 1947 the successive Indian governments passed many laws and issued many ordinances to change the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir but the reality is that neither world nor the people of Kashmir accepted India’s dominance in the region”, the spokesman said adding that the outright rejection of 5th August 2019 move by the people of Jammu and Kashmir was a glaring example of resilience and resistance the people of the region have shown against India’s illegal and forcible annexation of the territory. He made it clear that Kashmiris’ ongoing struggle was not for seeking any concessions from India but to achieve the internationally recognised right, the right to self-determination.
Reiterating Kashmiris’ pledge to thwart India’s nefarious expansionist designs in the region he said, “Kashmiri nation will go to any extent to protect the social, political and cultural identity of the state”. Condemning the Modi government’s vicious attempts to bring material change in the region, he said, “India’s unilateral and illegal actions in Kashmir remain violative of international law and the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions”. Urging the international community to take action against the government of India he said, “Indian government’s aggressive designs in the region are a threat to peace and stability in the region”.
The spokesman also took exception to the continued bloodshed, cordon and search operations, killing of innocent youth by the Indian troops, and continued detention of Hurriyat leaders who continue to languish in jails in different parts of India despite upsurge in the coronavirus cases.