JKNF aghast over killing spree of Kashmiri youth in IoK

Srinagar: While voicing serious concern over the prevailing political and human rights situation in the occupied Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir National Front has said that the occupation forces who were on a killing spree has turned the valley into a living hell for its citizens.
In a statement issued here on Saturday, the JKNF spokesman Mr. Shafiq-ur-Reman while condemning the killing of three Kashmiri youth by the Indian occupation forces youth in Pulwama district termed it as worst form of state terrorism. The incident, he said, was an eye-opener for the world to see as how ruthlessly Indian forces were blowing into ashes the humans, houses by using improvised explosive devices in the IoK.
“Indian government has let loose its forces to arrest Kashmir youth and kill them in fake encounters and search operations”. Terming it as a worst kind of state terrorism the spokesman said that world community should take effective cognizance of the systematic genocide of Kashmiri youth that remains a matter grave concern.
Amidst the new wave of the deadly coronavirus the spokesman said, “The cordon and search operations carried out by Indian troops in the length and breadth of the valley has created an environment of fear among people in the valley”. He urged the world human rights organizations to play their due role in bringing an end to the continued bloodshed and human rights violations being committed by the Indian occupation forces in the region.
The spokesman condemned the use of brute force against civilians and harassment of journalists at the hands of the Indian troops.