Kashmiris need ceasefire in entire territory of IOJK, Masood Khan

Muzaffarabad, April 6: AJK President Sardar Masood Khan has said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are not opposed to the reinstatement of the 2003 ceasefire agreement between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control but they need ceasefire in the whole of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
“The ceasefire should not be partial. The real pressing and compelling ceasefire that we need is the ceasefire in the valley of Kashmir where people are being killed, maimed, tortured and incarcerated. We need ceasefire in Srinagar, Baramulla, Shopian, Pulwama, Jammu, Poonch and Rajouri to get rid of the tyranny of a foreign occupier,” Masood asserted.
He expressed these views while addressing a webinar titled “Thaw in India-Pakistan relations and Kashmir imbroglio: The way forward” organized by Kashmir Campaign Global here on Tuesday.
The event was also addressed by former chairman of Planning Commission, Professor Khurshid Ahmed. Pakistan’s permanent representative in United Nations, Munir Akram, former ambassador Abul Basit, Prominent Kashmiri leader Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Chairman UK based Jammu and Human Rights Council, Dr Nazir Gillani, prominent author and analyst, Arshad Mohsin, Mobeen Shah and Zafar Quarashi.
He, however, said that the ceasefire initiative by India and Pakistan would reduce the plights of Kashmiris on both sides of the divided state and it is particularly beneficial for AJK people living along the LoC who were losing lives and properties due to constant shelling by Indian Occupation forces.
“Some eighty thousands households with six hundred and forty thousand residents living along the AJK side of LoC who are indirect range of Indian army’s firing would get relief from the ceasefire,” he added.
The AJK President said that the ceasefire move at LoC has recognized once again that the Jammu and Kashmir issue the central issue between India and Pakistan and there can be no normal relations between the two countries without resolving the Kashmir issue.
Commenting on the win-win solution of the Kashmir issue, the President said that there is absolutely no win for New Delhi because they occupied a chunk of territory and they have been brutalizing the people of the occupied part for the past 73 years.
“How occupiers and the occupied, the victims and the victimizers can be equated and what kind of win India does expect in regard to the Kashmir issue? What locus standi India has to demand a win win situation? he questioned and added that we will all win if India vacates illegal occupation of Kashmir and temporarily hand over the territory to the United Nations under UNCIP resolutions for holding of a plebiscite.
“The only relief India can get is that they can be given honourable exit from the occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir with assurance from us to look after the Hindu community protection of their rights.
While acknowledging the sacrifices rendered by the state of Pakistan for Kashmir cause, President Khan expressed his deep gratitude to the leadership and the state of Pakistan for supporting the Kashmiris struggle for freedom and right to self-determination very steadfastly despite many challenges.