Prisoners: Older People

The Government is aware of the changing demographic of the prisoner population, with the number of prisoners aged over 50 rising both in terms of numbers and as a proportion of the prison population. Within the older prisoner cohort, there were 1,665 prisoners aged 70 or over at 31 March 2018, approximately 2% of the total.
In response to these changes, the Government is reviewing the provision for older prisoners and how best to meet their needs.
The Government has developed Models for Operational Delivery (MODs) for each prison type and for specialist cohorts, including older prisoners to support the transformation of the adult male estate. MODs are based on data and evidence to support governors in delivering effective and efficient services according to the function and cohorts their prison will hold. This specialist MOD has been developed in recognition of the sizeable and growing proportion of older prisoners, who are more likely to suffer health problems, have higher rates of disability and can struggle to access activities and services. The MOD addresses how services and interventions may be tailored to enable all older prisoners to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing, and their independence.