The Big Iftar was held at St Peters Church Hall Green Birmingham

The Big Iftar 6th 2018 St Peters Church Hall Green Birmingham The Fabulous St Peters Church Hall Green Birmingham once again opened its door to host the Big Iftar bringing people from all backgrounds faiths, non-faith to join the Birmingham Muslim community in breaking fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan.
The main sponsors for the Iftar were TellMAMA UK working in partnership with the following organisations; Unity FM, Hope not hate, Highfield Hall, Hazrat Sultan Bahu Mosque, Springfield Project, Church of England and Near Neighbours.
The theme for this year’s Iftar was “Forgiveness and reconciliation”; and the audience heard from some passionate speakers such as Shahid Butt, Andy (Small Steps), Amra Mujkanovic of Remembering Srebrenica who all related personal experience of hate crime and how they rebuilt their lives through forgiveness and reconciliation.
The gathering also heard from the inspirational youth of Saltley Academy and students from Walsall College who’s amazing film production on hate crime was played to the audience of over 150 people.
TellMAMA director Iman Abou Atta OBE also addressed the audience with a passionate speech on the importance of being an upstander rather than a bystander when witnessing a hate crime.
The evening was hosted by Abdullah Rehman MBE and Jessica Foster, Deacon St Peters Church and policy advisor to the Bishop of Birmingham.
They both said that the feedback for the event was extremely positive and that it was one of the best events held at the Church with people asking for more such gatherings. Jessica Foster said, “It was so enjoyable with people really getting to know one another”.
Hope not Hate than took over supported by Aviv Glaser of West Midlands Police encouraging audience participation through a workshop they developed looking at hate crime and Racism. They really did amazing with Mahmooda of Hope not Hate giving a background of the fantastic work they do to combat all types of hatred in society.
The Bishop of Birmingham made the concluding comments followed by a Christian prayer for everyone present. The charismatic Bishop of Birmingham David Urquhart commented that forgiveness and love were both core parts of both the Muslim and Christian faith and we need all need to do more to reach out to one another.
This was followed by the Azaan (Call to prayer), and everyone enjoying a balti meal during sunset and the breaking of the fast. Abdullah Rehman commented “The family that eats together, stays together”.
It was a moving evening and TellMAMA Uk wishes to thank St Peters Church for continuing to reach out beyond the four walls and showing with actions the true meaning of “Love Your Neighbour”.
The chosen charity for the night was “Homeless Heroes”, and £147 was raised on the night to support the homeless shelter they run in Birmingham Central. The volunteers in the background were the real stars Jo Bagby Fred Ratley Saraya Haych Jo Weir Laura Rashta Butt Subera Robina Maz Iqbal And of course the amazing Father Martin Stephenson for continued support and guidance.