Mosque, Madaris best forums to raise Kashmir issue: AJK president

MUZAFFARABAD, July 11: The AJK President Sardar Masood Khan has called upon the Muslim scholars of the region to raise their voice against the oppression in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJK)
“Let us all raise our voices out loud from the pulpits of the mosques for the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the injustice they are facing. It is our religious and human obligation to act when our daughters, mothers, and sisters are in danger”, he said.
He expressed these views while talking to a delegation that called on him here on Sunday under the leadership of Jamiat Ulema Islam (JUI) chief and the Secretary-General Ittihad Tanzeemate Madaris Deeniya Azad Kashmir Maulana Qazi Mehmoodul Hassan Ashraf.
“Whenever there is a calamity on Muslims in the subcontinent or in any part of the world, the loudest and most powerful voice against it has always come from our mosques, monasteries, and religious schools”, he added.
Khan said that it was not only for the Government but every person in Pakistan and in AJK must play their very active role and contribution for Kashmir cause as people, there was a struggle for their right of self-determination and for liberty from Indian aggression
The state President asserted that India was an aggressor and terrorist country in the region and it is known as the killer of Muslims on the international level. Therefore, all religious and political parties should hold joint conferences, seminaries, and other programs on a single platform in order to convey a message of solidarity and encouragement to our brethren on the other side of the Line of control,” he added.
Masood called upon the international community, particularly the United Nations and other human rights organizations, to take immediate notice of the unlawful and immoral acts in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and play their role for a solution to the long-standing Kashmir issue and cessation of the genocide of the Kashmiri Muslims.
In response to various demands made by the leader of the delegation on this occasion, the AJK president assured to consider and address them. He also expressed grief over the death of President Wafaqul Madaras Al-Arabia Pakistan and the chief of Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuz Khatam e Nabuwwat Maulana Dr. Abdul Razzaq Iskandar and other religious scholars.