Eu disinfo lab report – Indian based elements abused UN & EU, breached international trust

London: Councillor Dr. James Shera, former Mayor of Rugby, appreciated the report issued by a Brussels based NGO, that exposed Indian based elements’ nefarious design against Pakistan through use of fake websites network.
He condemned such efforts to malign and spread the message of hatred and violence against Pakistan and endangering Pakistani community in foreign countries.
Dr Shera said, “The revealed shameless act included details of several identities theft, impersonation of EU institutions, 750 plus fake media outlets covering 116 countries and 550 plus websites domain names registered.”
Dr. Shera added, “EU Disinformation Lab report uncovers 15 years long Indian based operations to discredit Pakistan in EU and UNHCR forums is a criminal act. The Indian Srivastava Group, Indian media house ANI and their collaborators, have been working massively for one and half decade to destroy a sovereign country’s image globally by resurrecting dead people and abusing the UN and EU systems fraudulently.
We, the Christian Community of Pakistani origin, express our solidarity with Pakistan and urge mischievous elements to be accounted. We understand that there are problems and challenges concerning the minorities in Pakistan, but as the UK based Pakistani Christians, we standby with our government to address these issues immediately, and totally condemn these attempts to discredit our beloved country.”
This statement has been endorsed by the UK Pakistani Christian leaders including: Dr Peter David, Councillor Morris Johns, Advocate Qamar Shams, Mr Michael Massey, Mr. Samson Javed, Rt. Revd Bishop Dr. Nadeem Bhinder, Mr. Saleem Khokhar ex-MPA, Mr Qamar Rafiq, and Mr Tahier Solomon.