JKNF thanks Pakistan for exposing Indian war crimes in IoK

Srinagar: Jammu Kashmir National Front on Monday thanked the government of Pakistan for releasing a comprehensive dossier, exposing the scale of war crimes, human rights violations, fake encounters, false flag operations and use of rape as war tool by the Indian occupation forces in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
In a statement issued from Srinagar the JKNF spokesman Shafiq-u-Rehman said that the dossier was an indictment against Indian government’s destructive role it has been playing to subjugate Kashmiri masses and to sabotage their legitimate struggle for right to self-determination. “The dossier serves as an eye-opener for the world community in particular the powerful world governments that have chosen to stay silent on the miseries being inflicted upon the people of Kashmir by the India’s fascist regime led by Narendar Modi”, Rehman said adding that it was high time that the world leaders should stop seeing Kashmir through the prism of India and play their much needed role to hold the Indian government accountable for the war crimes its forces have been committing against the hapless Kashmiris in the occupied part of Jammu and Kashmir.
Referring to the Hindutva-inspired regime’s muscular policy towards Kashmir, he said, India has turned Kashmir into a prison where people were forced to live under suffocating conditions. “On one hand people are subjected to worst human rights violations while on the other Indian government has turned the region into a no-go area for rights defenders and international media just to hide the war crimes being committed by its unbridled troops”, he said adding that ban on foreign journalists and rights organizations was a deliberate attempt to stop international media and observers from reporting the heinous crimes being committed by the Indian occupation forces.
Lauding the Pakistan’s timely initiative, the JKNF spokesman said, “We a debt of gratitude to the people and government of Pakistan for their all out political, moral and diplomatic support to Kashmir cause. He said that Pakistan has always raised its voice against the voiceless Kashmiris who continue to suffer under the India’s brutal suppression.
Urging international community to take notice of the Indian state terrorism, the spokesman said that the Modi led fascist regime was a serious existential threat to Kashmiris who he said were caught in the crosshairs of conflict and the Indian state-terrorism.