DFP seeks world attention towards simmering situation in IoK

People are being forced to vote at gunpoint
Establishing Sanik colonies ant attempt to change Kashmir’s demography
Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) while urging world community take notice of fast deteriorating political and human rights situation in Kashmir has said that it is a moral imperative that the world should respond to the humanitarian crisis that has deepened further since Indian government striped the region of its special status, last year.
In a statement issued here on Thursday, a spokesman of the Freedom Party said, “As the rights situation in the disputed region has touched to lowest ebb an urgent international intervention is urgently required to address the highly complicated situation Kashmiris have been trapped in for the past one and half-year”.
Since the Modi-led fascist Indian government stripped the region of its distinctive identity the DFP spokesman said that Kashmiris, especially the youth, have become the worst victims of India’s unabated state terrorism.
At a time when people in Kashmir are braving yet another dangerous wave of coronavirus, the spokesman said that the Indian government was shamelessly busy in holding so-called DDC elections to deflect world attention away from the simmering situation. Terming elections as a farcical exercise the DFP spokesman said, “Exploiting people and forcing them to cast votes at gunpoint expose the myth of so-called election drama being staged to befool the world community”. These so-called polls he said could not be alternative to Kashmiris’ right to self-determination.
Urging international community to take effective notice of Indian state terrorism and constitutional aggression in the region the spokesman said, “Since Kashmir is a UN recognised disputed territory it is imperative that the global community should play its pro-active role to resolve it in accordance with the UN resolutions”.
Meanwhile, in a separate statement the DFP spokesman voiced his party’s deep concern over India’s identification of land in the territory for establishing soldier colonies. Terming it as a violation of the international law he said establishing Sanik colonies was meant to change the demography of Kashmir.